Why do the agencies in Devon allow a culture of bullying?
8 March 2021
I am not exactly known for my tact. I have an opinion and I voice it. I am happy for that opinion to be debated – and I think this is one subject matter that needs serious urgent debate
I have had the privilege of leading an amazing team of people for nearly 20 years now. A team of dedicated, hard-working and most importantly loving souls. We may not get everything right all of the time but I can guarantee that my team will have always tried to do its best
Like many other social care teams up and down the country, my team have pushed through their anxieties and fears to meet the challenges of this pandemic. They have learnt new skills, followed constantly changing policies, and kept people safe.
I find myself sitting here asking why then should they have to put up with being bullied. The answer is simple they should not
In the last 2 weeks, alone team members have had to deal with District Nurses coming in and being rude, challenging a policy because they didn’t like it or understand it, an occupational therapist and then incredibly yet another altercation with a paramedic crew
When I talk to other owners and managers of care homes I was hoping to hear that they didn’t have the same problems. Some didn’t but unfortunately, most did. The paramedics seemed to be the worst
It beggars belief that educated professionals think they can come to the front door of a private building and suddenly rewrite the Health and Safety policy in place. It is nothing short of sheer arrogance.
A challenge to the protective features in place would be acceptable. What we are met with is sheer refusal to comply. On top of that, the sheer refusal is delivered in a patronising, sarcastic manner to a well-meaning receptionist or carer
I totally appreciate we have all had enough; its been one whole year and Health and Social Care have had it the worst but seriously?
For me, enough is enough. My team are not punching bags to be walked over. I am so proud of the people they have shown themselves to be. As of today, no one treats my staff like this.